Our Club
Hyannis Yacht Club is a private club dedicated to the sport of yachting. We provide our members and their families the opportunity for seamanship and navigation education, exceptional sailing and swimming instruction, competitive racing opportunities, fun and engaging social entertainment, and excellent dining opportunities."
Hyannis Yacht Club is a widely recognized as the premiere sailing venue on Cape Cod by providing the best youth programs and overall waterfront experience. The Club will be its members’ first choice for social engagement, maintain a high degree of fiscal responsibility, and embrace its culture of shared commitment, camaraderie, and volunteerism.
The Hyannis Yacht Club is located on Cape Cod on the shore of Lewis Bay, just minutes from Nantucket Sound and Hyannis Harbor offering one of the nation’s top places to sail.
In addition to regional, national, and international regattas, HYC hosts One Design club racing on Sunday and Thursday evenings, Ocean racing (Beer Can) in Nantucket Sound on Wednesdays. Several long-distance ocean races are scheduled during the season.
Active membership allows full access to the club and is a voting member. Associate membership allows dining at the Captains Table and inclusion in select social, racing and educational activities.
Members of recognized Yacht Clubs may inquire into the Club's waterfront and facilities. They may participate in Club racing events with approval by the Race Committee. There is access to moorings, launch service and limited dock space, depending upon availability.
Hyannis Yacht Club employs seasonal and year-round staff in a variety of positions, including leadership, waterfront, youth sailing and swimming instructors, and restaurant staff. Interested applicants, click HERE for more information.
Our Club is governed by a Board of Trustees, who are all volunteer members and serve a one year term in each position.
Our Club utilizes volunteers in a variety of waterfront and social events. New Active Members are encouraged to join committees and help run the Club. Joining our Club's committees is encouraged and beneficial for all members.
The original Hyannis Yacht Club was founded in 1895 on the shores of Hyannis Harbor. The Club was reorganized in 1938 at its current location.